Shipping 202: Student Resources

Online Webinar Series

April 2023

10 am - 12 pm

April 3 : What Cargo Moves & Why

April 10 : Who Moves Cargo & How

April 17 : How Cargo Moves: Transportation Methods

April 24 : Where Cargo Moves: Pacific Northwest Ports



SESSION 1: What Cargo Moves and Why

Wednesday, April 3 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Introduction and Welcome
Merchants Exchange

Cargo and the Economics of the Columbia River
Anthony Peña, Pacific Northwest Waterways Association

Cargo on our River System
Randy Fischer, Port of Portland


SESSION 2: Who Moves Cargo and How

Wednesday, April 10 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Introduction and Welcome
Merchants Exchange

Who Moves Cargo? Labor
Dane Rowinski, Pacific Maritime Association

How does Cargo Move? Supply Chain & Logistics
Allison Brady, Geo S. Bush
Phil Traylor, Geo S. Bush


SESSION 3: How Cargo Moves

Thursday, April 17 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Introduction and Welcome
Merchants Exchange

Transportation Mode: Tug & Barge

Transportation Mode: Rail

Transportation Mode: Pipeline 


SESSION 4: Where Cargo Moves: Ports

Wednesday, April 24 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Introduction and Welcome
Merchants Exchange

Port Spotlight: Port of Longview
TBD, Port of Longview

Port Spotlight: Port of Kalama
Eric Yakovich, Port of Kalama

Port Spotlight: Port of Vancouver, US 
Zach Merrill, Port of Vancouver, US



Session Recordings

Link to Recorded Sessions will be available 24 hours after the session completes.  The recording will be available for one month after the completion of the course.  

Series Presentation Materials

Shipping 202: Student Resources