We will look at the business of shipping from the perspective of the ship, exploring the requirements and regulation of a ship and the important roles agents, pilots, regulatory agencies, insurance and laws play in enabling a ship to move from port to port.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
0800 - 1630
We look at the business of shipping from the perspective of the ship, exploring the requirements and regulation of a ship and the important roles agents, pilots, regulatory agencies, insurance and laws play in enabling a ship to move from port to port.
0800 – 0830 Registration & Breakfast (provided)
0830 – 0900 Introduction
0900 – 1200 Presentations
1200 – 1300 Lunch (provided)
1300 – 1600 Presentations
1600 – 1630 Survey and Certification
Merchants Exchange
200 SW Market St #190
Lobby Conference Room
Portland, Oregon
Parking is available in the building, many nearby parking lots and on street parking.
Streetcar Station is located on SW 3rd and SW Harrison, 1.5 blocks from the building.
Max Light Rail Station is located near the PSU campus at SW 5th & SW Mill Street or SW 6th & SW Montgomery, 4 – 5 blocks from our building.